10 reasons why i love her
There are some people who come into your life to show you something and then leave. There are others who come into your life and completely ruin it, lol. And then there are some people who come into your life and unknowingly help you become a better you because of who they are.I don't remember how we met. I just know that she has changed my life for the better.Today is my best friend Bekky's birthday. I've never done this before but she really has a special place in my heart. Never have I ever met such a genuinely humble, giving and caring spirit before. Bekky has truly taught me (and is teaching me) what it means to be a good friend.She's done SO MUCH for me. The least that I can do is to use my platform to share some of the few things that make her a beautiful individual on her special day.I cannot recall every little thing but what I do remember is...1. Having an assignment to sleep outside during homelessness week and her coming along.2. Her family sending me to London.3. Date nights.4. Countless sleepovers.5. Graduations.
6. Her tireless support.7. Her giving nature. I've never met anyone who would actually give their last.8. Her flying up to New York while I was there...just cuz.
9. Weddings.
10. Her coming with me to Florida for MY aunt's funeral.I could literally go on and on about how much of a good friend she has been and continues to be to me but I honestly don't have all the words. I am just blessed to have her in my life. Love you, Gbeke. Happy birthday.