30 days of truth: day one

Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.

I'm late! I'm late! I'm always late!

I've noticed this a lot about myself as of late: I'm never on time. How does the saying go? You're already late when you're on time? Oh I don't know. Something to that affect. I'm never rushed until I'm really rushed. And when I'm really rushed, I tend to forget. When I forget, I'm a mess trying to remember what I forgot. Ugh!!!!If only I could actually get out of bed when my alarm rings instead of turning it off and going right back to sleep.If only I could prepare my clothes the night before instead of waiting until the morning.If only I had a mantra/chant to speak when I first wake up to motivate into getting up.If only I applied The Golden Rule to tardiness and respected other people's time.If only I had a sense of urgency. Maybe if I thought everyone was seriously important, I'd rush into action mode.Time is precious, time is sweet, right? So why do I waste so much of it? :-/


30 days of truth: day two


30 days of truth