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Creative awareness

Sometimes just reading statistics doesn't convey the urgency of a message out as quickly as a song or video can. I can't help but gush over people who find creative ways to bring awareness to certain topics.First, I'm in love with Marsha Ambrosius' video Late Night & Early Mornings. I'm loving thought-provoking theme of her videos right now. This latest one comes out right in time for National HIV Testing Day.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lgbUptkC28&feature=player_embedded]While I was searching for more videos by musicians, I came across this one by another favorite artist of mine, B.O.B. His video, Dr. Aden, sheds light on the administering of medicine by the Bayer Company that contained AIDS.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvXXDjL9tOs&feature=player_embedded]As one of the bloggers partnering with Black Women's Health Imperative's campaign, ELEVATE, we each wrote something about HIV awareness. One blogger, Franchesca, did a video and watching it was one of the highlights of my morning. A little laughter for a very serious subject.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwshiaH_f1c&feature=youtu.be]And one last video, just because I thought it was cute. WRAP IT UP, FOLKS![youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6Y8tdTsVYg&feature=player_embedded]