Don’t Stop Till You Drop: Bucket List

My gmail girls and I got to emailing about what we wanted to do before we die. Some of us dream a lot bigger and brighter than others (shout out to Nadine!) but we all agreed that there are a lot of things we would like to accomplish before we leave this Earth. Here's my bucket list.
1. Purchase a town home or starter home.
2. Adopt a child.
3. Work with a dance troupe like Alvin Ailey.
4. Visit every state in America (43 more states to go).
5. Learn to play the violin.
6. Pay off my debt.
7. Learn to speak French, Spanish and Italian and maybe German.
8. Get a feature spot on HGTV just to shadow someone.
9. Have Sabrina Soto stage my parents home or Candice Olson or David Bromstad to redesign it.
10. Pay off my parents mortgage.
11. Marry...or not.
12. Live and work in Africa with disadvantaged young women.
13. Gain weight.
14. Visit Haiti and slap Rene Preval.
15. Get my skin to be one skin tone.
16. Take voice lessons.
17. Kiss a white and hispanic man.
18. Have a closet dedicated solely to shoes.
19. Come to terms with my fear of animals in some way.
20. Study Buddhism and visit Buddhist temples in Asia.
..This is not a pretend list. I really want to do these things! Don't laugh....Ok....maybe I don't want to slap Rene Preval.What is YOUR bucket list???