I'm Just Like You

Today, I woke up, went to the bathroom and washed the crust and drool from my eyes and face.

  • I didn't make up my bed.
  • I drank orange juice straight from the carton and put it back in the fridge.
  • I stare at myself in the mirror and wonder why I have a crooked jaw.
  • I then commence to take a plethora of "angled" kissy face photos, on my good side of course.
  • I have dark spots and cysts on my face and under my chin.
  • My nail polish is chipped.
  • My boobs are tiny and it's oftentimes VERY difficult to find the perfect fit.
  • I love him even when I don't want to.
  • I get jealous and want things I can't have (where's my designer money?!).
  • My fears stop me from living on the edge and unleashing my crazy side.
  • My stubborness keeps me from letting the other person be right or "check me".
  • My selfishness prevents me from being all that I can for someone else.
  • My mood swings throw people off.
  • I don't always smile.
  • I'm not always happy.
  • I don't always care.

I'm not perfect. I'm just like you. So...Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.


Day 20: Somewhere over the rainbow


Day 19: Thankful