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My kind of guy

First of all, let's talk about Terrence J's face in this picture. LOL. Okay, let's not. But Terrance J in the movie? I'd holla. Not for his mama's boy character in the film but for his bod-ay! I see you boo!

I took a year off from dating (things girls say when no one is seriously trying to holler) and I think I'm sure about what kind of guy I would like to date.1. The masseuse - I have a mild case of scoliosis and I have constant back pain. That is not a line, it is truth. It would be nice if the Mr. knew how to rub it out every once in a while. Save me on a chiropractic visit.2. The crooner - God knew best when He didn't give me a voice like Beyonce. So I'll settle for a man with a little bit of vibrato. Karaoke duets. What?!3. The mechanic - You may think it's funny but I'll be laughing at you when those guys charge you a ridiculous price for new brakes.4. The plumber - I mean, for various reasons, and not just toilets!!!5. The graphic designer - I will REJOICE the day I date a graphic designer so that I too can finally say, "oh, my boyfriend designed my blog". Take THAT you fashion bloggers! LOL.If you could strategically pick out a guy to date, what would he be like? What would his occupation be? Does it even matter to you?P.S. My list may or may not be serious. You decide.