Pampered Pearls Event: THANK YOU
It's over. You guys came and supported me (with a five-day notice, no less), and I'm extremely grateful. I've learned so many lessons from hosting my first blog event. I'll share some in a bit but first, my thank you's.None of this would be possible without my planner, Tara, who got me the wonderful event space. Thank you for your patience with my moments of frustration. Thank you to Yolanda of Iwi Fresh for reminding me to relax and providing WONDERFUL service for all of my guests. Thank you to Erica Cross of Sweet Bites Boutique for the tasty cake pops. With my favorite color and cute pearls, to boot! Thank you to Kevin Taylor of Kevin Taylor Photography for the lovely photos below. I never even noticed you taking any of the candid shots. Great eye! Thank you Carol's Daughter for all of the many samples for the gift bags. My hair is loving the Monoi oil and Chocolat blow dry cream. Thank you to Aaren Camille of Camille's Closet for the nail polish that I raffled off. None of this would be possible without you all. I hope you all enjoyed the Oyin Handmade hair products that I provided in the gift bags as well.Most importantly, THANK YOU ALL for showing up and getting pampered. Because this was an interactive event, getting a service done was part of the fun.If you didn't know about Iwi Fresh before, you know now. Support your local businesses financially, not just verbally.Tara + me + Yolanda (owner).
Shay won nail polish from Camille's Closet.
Childhood friends Edwine + Vanessa. I really appreciate it, girls.
Kwajelyn + me + Ashley
New friends Addie + me + Nyheke (visiting from London)
Who knows what craziness Kelsey was saying.
Everyone got to pick out their own scrubs.
College friends Karla + me + Anna
Church family: Edwine + Nadine + Vanessa + Sharna + me + Naomie
I love this pic.
Hey ChiChi! Thanks for stopping by!
So what I learned was this:1. If you have an idea, don't just write it out, don't just plan it, just DO IT. There will be bumps along the way but keep going. Don't wait for the perfect opportunity because it doesn't exist. While you're on your journey, you will learn as you go. Trust me.2. You can't be afraid of failing. Failing is evidence that you've made an effort. All the greats have failed. Not doing anything is true failure.3. If you're waiting for every one of your friends to support your every endeavor, you'll be waiting in vain. Support comes in so many ways. Do yourself the favor and not worry about those not supporting you. Focus on the ones that are and keep it moving.4. It's your dream, don't leave it in someone else's hands. Protect it.5. No one will believe in you or go hard for you like you can. Bet on yourself.To see more of the pictures from the event, check out my Facebook fan page. Enjoy!