Sweatshirt Chic
I've recently been obsessing over sweatshirts and how to jazz them up. Every time I wear one, I end up looking like a 14-year-old pubescent kid. Not cool. But comfort is ME. I've declared my style: comfort chic / understated snatched. Just give the people a little bit. Simple elegance. At least that's what I think, lol.So how exactly do you make a sweatshirt, chic?1. BEDAZZLE ITLets face it, it's tough to rock a sweatshirt alone without coming off as homely. Don't forget to add a touch of femininity, like a necklace or any other accessory.2. WEAR A SKIRT
Whether you're going for super feminine or sporty, a skirt is the glue that brings this relaxed and trendy look together.3. ROCK IT OUT
Dressed down with leather or cargo pants, and paired with sneaker wedges.....gaaaaah.However you decided to wear it, just make sure that it fits. You are, after all, still a lady :)