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The breakfast club

Last night I watched the classic, The Breakfast Club. I'm a little embarrassed to say that I hadn't seen it before then. And maybe because I was barely paying attention but for the first half of the movie, I really questioned why it was even made. The plot seemed uninteresting and slow. But as I continued to watch the characters develop, I quickly retracted my statements.the-breakfast-club-the-breakfast-club-541434_604_305 Five students with absolutely nothing in common are stuck spending their Saturday in detention. By the end of the film, everyone was comfortable enough (and by comfortable I mean they partook in illegal substances) to be vulnerable with one another. They realized that there weren't many differences between them at all. Same problems, fears, peer pressures, and insecurities.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_ZfZY8Mjoc]When it comes to forming relationships, voluntarily or not, my questions are as follows:

  • Why is it easier to talk to a complete stranger than it is with your closest friends, sometimes?
  • Why do we make fun of people and things we don't understand?
  • What about situational friends? If we didn't grow up with some people, would we still be friends with them as adults?

"What would your friends say if we were walking down the hall together?"

I think the about awkwardness, uncertainty and super emo-ness of the teenage years and I realize that nothing really changes as we become adults. We're still insecure, fearful and emotional. We're all a little weird and a little lame; and all the "popular" people are really lonely and self-conscious. No one is different; we're all the same.

"We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are better at hiding it than others, that's all." Andy Clark

miss lucy