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We Were on a Break

Hey guys, remember me? It's been a while. I hope you didn't delete this blog from your bookmarks. If you've done so long ago, I'm hoping we can reconnect this time.So what had happened was...While on my trip to Haiti February 2016, I had decided to write a book. I wasn't exactly sure what it would be about but I knew that it was going to happen and soon. Once I got back to the States, I had a heart to heart with God. At the time, I was a contractor but not working on any one project. I told God that if He would take care of my bills, I'd focus solely on writing a book and have it out by my birthday. First of all, the audacity of me to tell God, "Hey, hold me down on my bills, if you can." Of course He can! But I wanted to make sure, you know, for clarity's sake. And theeen, I was like, "Oh yeah, I want to have this book up and ready for sale by my birthday." Mind you, that was less than two months away. But I clearly serve a mighty God because I did have that book published by my birthday. I wrote that book from start to finish in 40 days. How symbolic!After I wrote that book, it was a whirlwind of promotion, events, and speaking engagements. I'm eternally grateful for every single person that supported me on that journey. Especially the people that went above and beyond every single time. Showing up and supporting this first time author means the world and I'll never forget who you all are.So that was 2016. God allowed me reap in 2016 in order to keep my head down and sow in 2017. At least that was the plan. Then I found out that I had to have surgery and that shook me to my core. It unraveled me more than I expected and derailed me from all of my plans. Giving up isn't my style so I metaphorically treaded water. During my recovery, I had sooo much time to think and write. I felt all of the feelings and I felt them intensely. I also went back to seeing a therapist to help me process those feelings. It was in those sessions that I realized I was not done with this blog.Oh yeah, I let this blog go. Sent an email to all my subscribers and everything. I had planned on creating a new website that would be solely focused on me displaying my project work. In those sessions with my therapist, I realized I still had much more I wanted to share. I never stopped writing. I wrote chapters in captions on social media. I wrote on random scraps of paper, journals, notepads and my iPhone. I wrote enough content to get me back started on this blog. I wrote my way back back to the love I once had when blogging was a simpler time.A simpler time. When I wrote from the heart, no back space. Back before there were content calendars with posts going out to various platforms. Before making money from writing. Before likes and reblogs. Back to community and authenticity and honesty. Back to writing heartfelt comments. I know the rise of social media has made it difficult for connection and real engagement to occur but we have to get back to that when it comes to the things we're interesting in. And I hope to bring you content that inspires you.So what do you say? Let's try this again? See if we can make this last forever? Take me back? I promise to spend more time with you and listen to what you need. K?