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12 Things I Learned In 2013

2013 has been an interesting year. Let me tell it, it was uneventful and unproductive. But that's not true. A lot has happened over the course of the year.things i learned

  • I got into two fender benders.
  • I went to a few awesome concerts (Solange, Emeli Sande, Foreign Exchange, Lianne La Havas, James Fortune).
  • I got my third tattoo.
  • I saved $1000 in an emergency fund.

So yeah, I did a little something something. But here's what I learned.

12 Things I Learned in 2013

  • Speaking up is necessary in all aspects of life. You want a raise? Ask for it. Have those crucial conversations that will take things to the next level. I absolutely despise confrontation. I'd rather walk away than entertain an argument. I do not like to be upset. But the solution cannot always be to turn your back and forget about it. Be heard. Even if the situation doesn't turn out in your favor, at least you voiced your opinion.
  • Isolation is stiffling. I spent A LOT of time alone this year. For the most part, I enjoy it. But there were many moments that I regreted letting some relationships go. And other times, my distance really opened the door for those that didn't need to be in my space. Know when to balance. [Tweet "No man is an island."]
  • All business is not good business. If I don't mess with you as a person, I'm not doing business with you. Period. Have integrity. Not everyone wants to see you succeed. And also, have a little pride for yourself. Some people are just a bad look for your brand.
  • Even when it gets lonely, DON'T FOLLOW THE CROWD. At the end of the day, you know who you are and you know what you believe. When it comes to business and branding, do what makes sense to you.
  • Share what you know - with caution. I love to help people. I will get into details of exactly how I did something. But look, you can't show people how to live their lives. Don't extend yourself so much that you get lost in someone else's dream.
  • Let go. People have such a hard time with this but it comes so easy to me. My mentality is that nothing in life is permanent. No love, friendship, life, relationship, job, etc. All you can do is be fluid enough to go with the flow. Feel the feelings for the moment and move on. At the beginning of the year, I tried to extend myself to friends but quickly stopped myself. Don't beg to be around anyone.
  • Positive energy ONLY. It's good for your health.
  • Don't ignore what your body is telling you. I wore my body OUT this year. Long, late hours at work. I was exhausted and overwhelmed, yet I continued to push myself in order to make more money. It really isn't worth the doctor visit, folks. Take care of you.
  • Plan, then execute. I am the idea lady. I know that about myself. But if you have a dream, don't get so caught up in the planning that you never finalize anything. And maybe what you need to do is get a team - people better at execution than you are. Please, do that.
  • Eliminate complainers from your life!!! Do not listen to them moan and whine. If you offer them solutions and they don't take it, kindly leave their pity-party. *one finger up, gotta go*
  • Acknowledge when you are the problem. When it's always the same result, it's not them, it's you.
  • Don't force it. I hate to cook. I tried and I did well the first half of the year, but I literally haven't cooked anything since. I'm not going to resolve to cook more in the new year because I just hate to do it. Bump it.

Every year is always a learning experience. I can say that I'm grateful for that.